New Member Profile Sheet

Biographical Data

Name *:
Occupation and Employer :
Accomplishments and Interests :
Personal and Career Goals :
Name of Sponsor :
Name of Mentor :

Communication and Leadership Goals:

What Objectives do you hope to accomplish as a member of this club?   

Is public Speaking a requirement of your job or profession?

How would you describe your current skill level as a speaker?

Do you have any specific fears relative to public speaking?

Why did you choose to join a Toastmasters club?

What can the club do to help you accomplish your goals?

Do you wish to improve your ability to ...

        Persuade and convince others?

        Put ideas across clearly and understandably?

        Improve your self-confidence before a group of people?

        Think quickly and clearly under pressure?

        Become skilled in group leadership?

        Listen effectively and critically?

        Tactfully evaluate someone else's presentations?

        Gracefully accept helpful criticism?

        Other (specify)